Quarto options

Chunk options

In your Quarto document, you had a chunk:

#| echo: false
2 * 2

#| echo: false tells knitr not to show the code within that chunk

Chunk options

Some of the ones I find myself using most often:

  • #| eval: false: Don’t evaluate this chunk! Really helpful if you’re trying to isolate an error, or have a chunk that takes a long time
  • #| error: true: Render this even if the chunk causes an error
  • #| cache: true: Store the results of this chunk so that it doesn’t need to re-run every time, as long as there are no changes
  • #| warning: false: Don’t print warnings
  • #| message: false: Don’t print messages

Document options

You can tell the entire document not to evaluate or print code (so just include the text!) at the top:

title: "My document"
author: Louisa Smith
format: html
  eval: false
  echo: false

Careful! YAML is really picky about spacing.

Document options

There are lots of different options for the document

  • For example, you can choose a theme:
    theme: yeti
  • Remember the pickiness: when you have a format option, html: moves to a new line and the options are indented 2 spaces


Download the quarto document with some {gtsummary} tables from yesterday

  • There’s an error in the code! Try to render it. Play around with eval: and error: chunk and document options to help you a) find the error and b) render the document despite the error. Then fix the error.
  • I don’t like the output from the first chunk, where the passages are loaded. Make it so that we don’t see this chunk’s code or output.
  • Play around with themes!