Reports and manuscripts with Quarto

What is quarto?

  • Open-source document format and computational notebook system
  • Integrates text, code, and outout
  • Can create multiple different types of products (documents, slides, websites, books)

Why not R Markdown?

Only because quarto is newer and more featured!

  • Anything you already know how to do in R Markdown you can do in quarto, and more!1
  • All of these slides, website, etc. are all made in quarto.
  • If you know and love R Markdown, by all means keep using it!

Quarto workflow

  1. Create a Quarto document
  2. Write code
  3. Write text
  4. Repeat 2-3 in whatever order you want
  5. Render

How does it work?

  • You text in markdown and code in R
  • knitr processes the code chunks, executes the R code, and inserts the code outputs (e.g., plots, tables) back into the markdown document
  • pandoc transforms the markdown document into various output formats

Text and code…

# My header

Some text

Some *italic text*

Some **bold text**

- Eggs
- Milk

x <- 3

… becomes …

My title

Some text

Some italic text

Some bold text

  • Eggs
  • Milk
x <- 3
[1] 3

If you prefer, you can use the visual editor

R chunks

Everything within the chunks has to be valid R1

x <- 3
x + 4
[1] 7

Chunks run in order, continuously, like a single script


At the top of your Quarto document, a header written in yaml describes options for the document

title: "My document"
author: Louisa Smith
format: html

There are a ton of possible options, but importantly, this determines the document output



We’re going to focus on html output

  • It’s easy to transition to Word (format: docx) but it’s not as good for constant re-rendering
  • You need a LaTeX installation for pdf


You can choose whether you want to have chunk output show up within the document (vs. just the console) when you are running Quarto (and RMarkdown) documents interactively

Tools > Global options


Open up your epi590r-2023-in-class R project!

File > New File > Quarto Document


  • Try toggling between Source and Visual views
  • Toggle on and off the Outline
  • Click Render and look at the output