Finer control over statistics

We fit a series of univariate regressions

income_table <- tbl_uvregression(
  y = income,
  include = c(
    sex_cat, race_eth_cat,
    eyesight_cat, income, age_bir
  method = lm
Characteristic N Beta 95% CI1 p-value
age_bir 4,773 595 538, 652 <0.001
sex_cat 10,195
    Female -358 -844, 128 0.15
race_eth_cat 10,195
    Black -1,747 -2,507, -988 <0.001
    Non-Black, Non-Hispanic 3,863 3,195, 4,530 <0.001
eyesight_cat 6,789
    Very good -578 -1,319, 162 0.13
    Good -1,863 -2,719, -1,006 <0.001
    Fair -4,674 -5,910, -3,439 <0.001
    Poor -6,647 -9,154, -4,140 <0.001
1 CI = Confidence Interval

But a table is a limited form of output

We might want to dig in a little more to those regressions

  • One helpful option from {gtsummary} is to extract data from the table directly
  • This can be reported in a manuscript (rather than copying and pasting from the table)
inline_text(income_table, variable = "age_bir")
[1] "595 (95% CI 538, 652; p<0.001)"

We’ll look at this again later!

What if we want all the numbers, say to create a figure?

  • Under the hood, {gtsummary} is using the {broom} package to extract the statistics from the various models
  • We can also use that package directly!

Statistical models in R can be messy

mod_sex_cat <- lm(income ~ sex_cat, data = nlsy)

We could look at the model summary:


lm(formula = income ~ sex_cat, data = nlsy)

   Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
-14880  -8880  -3943   5477  60478 

              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)    14880.3      172.6  86.237   <2e-16 ***
sex_catFemale   -357.8      247.8  -1.444    0.149    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 12510 on 10193 degrees of freedom
  (2491 observations deleted due to missingness)
Multiple R-squared:  0.0002044, Adjusted R-squared:  0.0001064 
F-statistic: 2.084 on 1 and 10193 DF,  p-value: 0.1488

Statistical models in R can be messy

If we want to do something with the various values, we could extract each statistic individually:

  (Intercept) sex_catFemale 
   14880.3152     -357.8029 
                  2.5 %     97.5 %
(Intercept)   14542.079 15218.5512
sex_catFemale  -843.608   128.0022
[1] 0.0002044429
                Estimate Std. Error   t value  Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)   14880.3152   172.5521 86.236672 0.0000000
sex_catFemale  -357.8029   247.8349 -1.443715 0.1488499

{broom} has three main functions: augment(), glance(), tidy()

augment() adds fitted values, residuals, and other statistics to the original data

# A tibble: 10,195 × 9
   .rownames income sex_cat .fitted  .resid     .hat .sigma   .cooksd .std.resid
   <chr>      <dbl> <fct>     <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>      <dbl>
 1 1          30000 Female   14523.  15477. 0.000202 12506.   1.55e-4      1.24 
 2 2          20000 Female   14523.   5477. 0.000202 12507.   1.94e-5      0.438
 3 3          22390 Female   14523.   7867. 0.000202 12507.   4.01e-5      0.629
 4 4          22390 Female   14523.   7867. 0.000202 12507.   4.01e-5      0.629
 5 5          36000 Male     14880.  21120. 0.000190 12505.   2.72e-4      1.69 
 6 6          35000 Male     14880.  20120. 0.000190 12505.   2.46e-4      1.61 
 7 7           8502 Male     14880.  -6378. 0.000190 12507.   2.48e-5     -0.510
 8 8           7227 Female   14523.  -7296. 0.000202 12507.   3.44e-5     -0.583
 9 9          17000 Male     14880.   2120. 0.000190 12507.   2.74e-6      0.170
10 10          3548 Female   14523. -10975. 0.000202 12506.   7.79e-5     -0.878
# ℹ 10,185 more rows

{broom} has three main functions: augment(), glance(), tidy()

glance() creates a table of statistics that pertain to the entire model

# A tibble: 1 × 12
  r.squared adj.r.squared  sigma statistic p.value    df   logLik     AIC    BIC
      <dbl>         <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>
1  0.000204      0.000106 12506.      2.08   0.149     1 -110644. 221295. 2.21e5
# ℹ 3 more variables: deviance <dbl>, df.residual <int>, nobs <int>

{broom} has three main functions: augment(), glance(), tidy()

tidy() is the most useful to me and probably you!

It extracts coefficients and confidence intervals from models

tidy(mod_sex_cat, = TRUE)
# A tibble: 2 × 7
  term          estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high
  <chr>            <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
1 (Intercept)     14880.      173.     86.2    0       14542.    15219.
2 sex_catFemale    -358.      248.     -1.44   0.149    -844.      128.

tidy() works on over 100 statistical methods in R!

Anova, ARIMA, Cox, factor analysis, fixed effects, GAM, GEE, IV, kappa, kmeans, multinomial, proportional odds, principal components, survey methods, …

  • See the full list here
  • All the output shares column names
  • This makes it really easy to work with the output and reuse code across analyses

Some models have additional arguments

For example, we might want exponentiated coefficients:

logistic_model <- glm(glasses ~ eyesight_cat + sex_cat + income,
                      data = nlsy, family = binomial())
tidy(logistic_model, = TRUE, exponentiate = TRUE)
# A tibble: 7 × 7
  term                  estimate std.error statistic  p.value conf.low conf.high
  <chr>                    <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
1 (Intercept)              0.499   5.96e-2   -11.7   1.74e-31    0.444     0.560
2 eyesight_catVery good    0.920   5.96e-2    -1.39  1.64e- 1    0.819     1.03 
3 eyesight_catGood         0.916   6.91e-2    -1.27  2.04e- 1    0.800     1.05 
4 eyesight_catFair         0.802   1.00e-1    -2.20  2.77e- 2    0.658     0.976
5 eyesight_catPoor         1.03    2.01e-1     0.147 8.83e- 1    0.694     1.53 
6 sex_catFemale            2.04    5.00e-2    14.2   5.46e-46    1.85      2.25 
7 income                   1.00    1.93e-6     7.49  6.95e-14    1.00      1.00 

We can also combine the results of lots of regressions

# we already made mod_sex_cat
mod_race_eth_cat <- lm(income ~ race_eth_cat, data = nlsy)
mod_eyesight_cat <- lm(income ~ eyesight_cat, data = nlsy)
mod_age_bir <- lm(income ~ age_bir, data = nlsy)

tidy_sex_cat <- tidy(mod_sex_cat, = TRUE)
tidy_race_eth_cat <- tidy(mod_race_eth_cat, = TRUE)
tidy_eyesight_cat <- tidy(mod_eyesight_cat, = TRUE)
tidy_age_bir <- tidy(mod_age_bir, = TRUE)

With a little finagling, we have the same data as in the original univartiate regression table…

  sex_cat = tidy_sex_cat,
  race_eth_cat = tidy_race_eth_cat,
  eyesight_cat = tidy_eyesight_cat,
  age_bir = tidy_age_bir, .id = "model") |>
    term = stringr::str_remove(term, model),
    term = ifelse(term == "", model, term))

With a little finagling, we have the same data as in the original univartiate regression table…

# A tibble: 12 × 8
   model        term    estimate std.error statistic  p.value conf.low conf.high
   <chr>        <chr>      <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
 1 sex_cat      (Inter…   14880.     173.      86.2  0          14542.    15219.
 2 sex_cat      Female     -358.     248.      -1.44 1.49e- 1    -844.      128.
 3 race_eth_cat (Inter…   12867.     302.      42.7  0          12276.    13459.
 4 race_eth_cat Black     -1747.     387.      -4.51 6.58e- 6   -2507.     -988.
 5 race_eth_cat Non-Bl…    3863.     341.      11.3  1.20e-29    3195.     4530.
 6 eyesight_cat (Inter…   17683.     270.      65.6  0          17155.    18212.
 7 eyesight_cat Very g…    -578.     378.      -1.53 1.26e- 1   -1319.      162.
 8 eyesight_cat Good      -1863.     437.      -4.26 2.05e- 5   -2719.    -1006.
 9 eyesight_cat Fair      -4674.     630.      -7.42 1.35e-13   -5910.    -3439.
10 eyesight_cat Poor      -6647.    1279.      -5.20 2.07e- 7   -9154.    -4140.
11 age_bir      (Inter…    1707.     733.       2.33 1.99e- 2     270.     3143.
12 age_bir      age_bir     595.      29.1     20.4  3.71e-89     538.      652.

Even easier cleanup!

We could instead clean up the names and add reference rows with the {tidycat} package:

tidy(logistic_model, = TRUE, exponentiate = TRUE) |> 
  tidycat::tidy_categorical(logistic_model, exponentiate = TRUE) |>
# A tibble: 9 × 8
  term               estimate conf.low conf.high variable level effect reference
  <chr>                 <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>    <fct> <chr>  <chr>    
1 (Intercept)           0.499    0.444     0.560 (Interc… (Int… main   Non-Base…
2 <NA>                  1        1         1     eyesigh… Exce… main   Baseline…
3 eyesight_catVery …    0.920    0.819     1.03  eyesigh… Very… main   Non-Base…
4 eyesight_catGood      0.916    0.800     1.05  eyesigh… Good  main   Non-Base…
5 eyesight_catFair      0.802    0.658     0.976 eyesigh… Fair  main   Non-Base…
6 eyesight_catPoor      1.03     0.694     1.53  eyesigh… Poor  main   Non-Base…
7 <NA>                  1        1         1     sex_cat  Male  main   Baseline…
8 sex_catFemale         2.04     1.85      2.25  sex_cat  Fema… main   Non-Base…
9 income                1.00     1.00      1.00  income   inco… main   Non-Base…

This makes it easy to make forest plots, for example

tidy(logistic_model, = TRUE, exponentiate = TRUE) |> 
  tidycat::tidy_categorical(logistic_model, exponentiate = TRUE) |> 
  dplyr::slice(-1) |> # remove intercept
  ggplot(mapping = aes(x = level, y = estimate, 
                       ymin = conf.low, ymax = conf.high)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_errorbar() +
  facet_grid(cols = vars(variable), scales = "free", space = "free") +

This makes it easy to make forest plots, for example


  1. Download a new script with these examples.
  2. Run it.
  3. Teach yourself to use broom::tidy() to extract the results of the Poisson regression with robust standard errors and combine them with the results of the log-binomial regression.
  4. Start creating some tables for your final project!